Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I am from the Earth

It was a cold evening
By train, all traveling
Saw this person in teen
Who didn't look so keen
In understanding humanity
Just broke the serenity

Shouting at person of other race
Because their countries are at pace
Yelling 'go to your own country'
To stop the person, no one did try
Continued on till the person got down
Alas! the person really is down (at heart)

It wouldn't just be this person.
There are many like this person.
The country that they belong,
No one else should belong.(In-humane)
I am born in this planet, I am from the earth
I live on this land, I share the earth. (humane)

There was one continent, Pangaea
When the land on earth was United.
Probably, the occurrence of continents division
Was for a reason, the (In)human origination.